Editor: The Synk software Family features the revolutionary ZeroScan technology which makes Synk 6 Up to 100 times faster than competing products and previous generations of Synk. Join the many dedicated users around the world, from grandmothers to Turing Award winners, from universities to movie studios, and even some higher-ups at a computer company we all know and love!
The professional's synchronization toolkit. N-way synchronizations, advanced rule capabilities for arbitrary actions and archiving, flexible scheduling options, and more.
New in version 6.5.1
* Fixes incorrect “bad file descriptor” errors some users started seeing in 6.5
* Adjusted Automatic exclusion list
* .approject and .vmwarevm packages are now treated non-atomically, like iPhoto Libraries and other similar packages
* Improved scheduling behavior when duplicating a script
* Improved synkd's response to volumes being slow to remount after sleep
* German localization returns